Tuesday 2 January 2007

Parts 1 and 2 of Goldenrod

This takes place before Gwen joins the team and before Suzie dies.

Here they are

Parts 1&2:

operation goldenrod

The Hub was quiet. Captain Jack Harkness was standing on the edge of a tall white tower block. Owen was listening to his I-pod. Suzie was scrubbing at what looked like a short, stout missile with a brillo-pad. Ianto was in the archives categorising artefacts. And Toshiko was sitting at her desk, reading a book, being herself.

Jack's coat was billowing out around him in the strong wind. Jack was watching over the city, watching over everyone, protecting them. A device on Jack's wrist bleeped gently. Suddenly, the sky warped and blurred like a heat haze hanging over Cardiff. “What the hell?” Jack said softly as he moved the device on his wrist to chin level. Then, he pressed the screen gently and spoke into the device.

Down in the hub, Toshiko received Jack's call. “Yes, Jack?”
“Tosh, the rift just opened!”
“So, nothing new. It opens and closes all the time.”
“Yes, but it doesn't stay open for more than a minute usually.”
“No. Are you saying it ha been open for the past 3 minutes?”
“Yep.” Jack said calmly.
“Oh my God,” Toshiko said. “Owen, turn on the rift-cam. Suzie, I'm transferring Jack call to you so I can go and look at the rift.”
“Tosh, the rift has closed,” Jack's voice said. “The rift has closed, but the time-space continuum is still tearing apart.”
Toshiko ran as fast as she could out of the hub, along the corridor, through into the vsitor centre and out into Cardiff's streets. She ran to where the rift always opens and stared upwards. A small rectangular box was coming through. Suddenly, space warped and the box became a miniscule sphere.

Back in the Hub, Suzie had sent Jack a link to the infra-red 'rift-cam' which was keeping Jack occupied while Owen and Suzie tried to find Ianto and tell him what was going on.

Toshiko caught the sphere as it fell to Earth. Whilst in Toshiko's arms, the sphere mutated into what looked like a cracked, grey ceramic tube with a bright blue tip and a small silver button. Jack had appeared beside Toshiko and as he looked at the device, he murmured “Oh my God.” As Toshiko presed the button, Jack shouted “No!” But it was too late. The thing warped again and became a liquid which slipped through Toshiko's hands. Luckily, Jack produced a jam jar and caught it. “Why do you carry a jam-jar around with you?” Toshiko asked.
“In case we raid a jam factory and I'm hungry.” Jack replied. “Now, let's get this to the hub quickly!” Jack said.

As soon as Toshiko carried the purple goo in a jar in to the hub, long purple tentacles extended out of the jar and attached to the water tower, turning crystal clear like water as it rose up the fountain. Owen ran toward the tentacles with a scalpel and sliced through all the tentacles. The severed tentacles continued to rise up the fountain, disappearing from view as they climbed up the fountain.

That night, in the Hub, the jar of goo was left on Toshiko's desk. At around 1am, the goo ejected itself from the jar and slithered along the floor of the Hub towards the cells. When it got to the cells, it climbed up the front and slipped through the air-holes. Inside, a Weevil sat, sleeping. A squelch woke it up and as it looked around, the goo split part of itself off from the rest and launched itself into the Weevil's mouth. The Weevil grunted and went back to sleep. At that moment, the goo slipped away, back into the jar on Toshiko's desk. About 2 hours later, the Weevil smashed the bulletproof glass of the cell and ran into the Hub. When it found Toshiko's desk, it coughed up the goo back into the jar and sealed the jar with a lid. Then, the Weevil ran to the lift and activated it somehow. The lift rose and the Weevil rose with it. The Weevil thought one thing: “It was free.”

“Correction,” Jack said as though he could hear the Weevil's thoughts. “The Weevil thought it was free.” Jack was standing there, wearing just his pants, holding a spray. The Weevil curled it's lips and snarled. “Come on then.”Jack said. The Weevil snarled again. Jack pressed the button on top of the spray can. A thick black dust came spurting out. The Weevil covered it's eyes with it's hands and screamed a deep, growling screech. Jack produced some titanium handcuffs from his back pocket and attached the Weevil's wrists and ankles together. Then, Jack dragged the Weevil to the cells and locked it behind a different sheet of reinforced glass. Then, he got his mobile out of his pocket and called the glass repair man.

As the repair man finished the job, Jack appeared with a mug of coffee, which he gave to the repair man. The repair man took a sip. And collapsed. Jack dragged him onto the lift and stamped down hard to activate it. The lift went up. When it reached the street, Jack threw the repair man's unconscious body onto the pavement. “There we go.” Jack said.That was when he heard the screams.

Th next morning, Owen was in bed when it came. The dreaded bleepity-bleep of her mobile's text alert. Owen heaved himself up off the pillows and snatched at his mobile which lay on his bedside table. The text said: TORCHWOOD-COME TO HUB IMMEDIATELY. Owen dragged himself out of bed and got dressed. Then, he got into his car and drove sleepily towards the Hub.

At the Hub, the goo had gone from the jar on Toshiko's desk, but the jar was still there. In the autopsy room, what looked like an elongated human with 2 heads lay unconscious on the stainless steel table. Owen walked into the autopsy room. “What the hell!?” Owen shouted.
“2 humans, joined together.” Came Jack's voice from behind Owen.
“How did it happen?” Asked Owen.
Jack shook his head “we don't know.”
“What do you want me to do?” Owen asked warily.
“We want you to attempt to separate them” Jack said calmly.

Toshiko sat at her desk when Owen's rang through the Hub. “Shit!”
“What is it?” Asked Toshiko.
“I tried to separate these people.”
“They died.” Owen said simply.

In the boardroom, Jack was examining the goo in the jar. When he poked a biro into the goo, the goo mutated into a second biro. When Jack prodded the second biro with a screwdriver, the second biro transformed into a second screwdriver. “Interesting.” Jack murmured.
“Cup of coffee, sir?” Jack jumped and span the chair around.
“Ianto,” Jack said. “Yeah, I would love a coffee about now.”
“Plain or De-Caf, sir?”
“Plain, please. Extra strong.”
“Right away, sir.” Ianto said. And left the room. Jack continued to examine the second scredriver. Suddenly, Jack noticed a small silver button on the handle of the second screwdriver. He pressed it. The screwdriver emitted a screech which caused the glass of the boardroom to smash. “Great,” Jack said. “Now I have to call the repair man again.”
“No need.” Came Suzie's voice from the centre of the Hub.
“Why?” Jack asked. “What are you gonna do?”
“This.” Suzie said as she slipped a metal glove onto her hand. She aimed the glove at the glass on the floor, then she clenched a fist and pointed at the empty frame where the glass had been. Suddenly, the glass picked itself up and slammed back into it's frame, intact.
“Woah.” Jack said. “Helpful glove.”
“Uh-huh.” Suzie said vacantly.
“Suzie?” Jack asked tentatively.
“Yes?” Asked Suzie.
“Nothing.” Jack said as Suzie walked away.
“Coffee.” Came Ianto's voice from behind Jack.
“Thanks.” Jack said as he grabbed a mug of coffee from the tray Ianto was carrying.

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